folklore is that the three-body and higher n-body solution is not only
unsolved but unsolvable, and that Poincare and Bruns proved this in
This folklore is wrong. Or at least, it’s astonishingly misleading,
even if you start adding the caveats of “closed form solution” or
“analytic solution”. For Poincare and Bruns proved nothing of the kind.
You have to tailor your criteria for what counts as a “solution”
suspiciously closely in order to hold that there’s a sense in which the
two body problem is solvable, but the three and higher n-body problem is
Let’s start with the two-body problem. Here it is.
(where r12=|x1−x2|
There is a well-known (and rather neat) approach to solving this that
is taught in all intermediate courses in Newtonian physics. The steps
are to substitute in an “effective” mass term and transform to a centre
of mass frame to reduce it to a problem of central potential, move to
polar co-ordinates, eliminate the time variable, and then make the
simple but but effective substitution of
whereupon the whole problem collapses into a familiar form of
differential equation that can easily be shown to be satisfied by an
ellipse, a hyperbola, or a parabola — the selection depending on the
initial conditions.
This approach works by
quickly searching out and exploiting the constants of motion (the linear
momentum of the centre of mass, the various angular momenta, and the
total energy of the system) to simplify the problem down.
This process allows you to write down the equation of this curve as a function of the radius r
and angle
and you can do this in so-called “closed form”. That is, it can be
written in a finite number of functions and terms from a general
accepted set of “allowed” ones. This “allowed” set includes algebraic
functions, exponentials and indefinite integrals, and not usually much
more than that.
This definition of “closed
form” looks pretty arbitrary. Why choose those set of functions, why
specify a finite set of them, and so on? What it tries to do is capture a
sense in which the orbit can be calculated in some “manageable” form —
at least manageable in the pre-computer age when all calculations had to
be done by hand.
Before we leave the two-body
case we should note one more interesting thing. There is a reasonable
sense in which the two-body case is not “solvable” either.
procedure outlined above gives you an equation for the shape of the
orbital curve a body produces, but considering where we started (two
second order differential equations in terms of r
forward and solve where the body will be relative to another at a
specific time? It turns out that we cannot write down such an expression
in closed form (though a variety of parametric forms can be produced
for as general cases as you could wish).
It’s worth stopping to consider why this lack of a closed form of the r(t)
isn’t thought important. It’s not important because we can derive any
property that we find interesting from other forms of equation (e.g.,
the elliptical solution, or the parametric forms), and if we really want
it in precisely the
form, there are plenty of tractable numerical approaches we can solve
with a computer. But it’s interesting that we can make the two body problem “unsolvable” in a certain sense, so long as we put enough restrictions on what counts as a “solution”.
Three-body problem:
It looks like this:
That is, very, very similar to the two-body problem. But it’s much harder to attack.
are certain special cases of orbits that can be solved in a similar way
to the two body problem. Euler and Lagrange found some of the most
important classes early on. These were usually cases in which the
solution has some special property of symmetry, or in which one of the
bodies could be considered with negligible mass.
1888 King Oscar of Sweden and Norway put forward a prize: the problem
was to come up with a particular sort of solution to the three body
problem (he set restrictions that made it quite similar to a “closed
form”, though also he allowed infinite series, so long as they converged
for all reasonable values of the variables).
was able to meet the conditions as written, but Henri Poincare won the
prize with a paper that moved forward mechanics in various important
ways. It included an impossibility proof, of a type that was also
presented by Heinrich Bruns at about the same time. This showed that the
n body problem has no integrals, algebraic with respect to time,
position and velocities of the n particles, other than the special cases
already uncovered (at that point there were 10 types in all).
Why is this important? The whole episode was very important
historically for the development of the understanding of differential
equations. For Poincare’s work uncovered the strange nature of some of
the orbits — they are what we would now call chaotic, and are the first
known examples of such systems. (Poincare himself misunderstood these
orbits and asserted at first that they were stable, which they are not).
what Poincare and Bruns’ impossibility proof showed is that there are
no closed form solutions producible by a certain method of integration.
And this is certainly important: it shows that there are not enough
constants of motion of the appropriate type to exploit in the way that
we exploited them to produce the solution to the two-body problem. But
this is sometimes now paraphrased into saying that general solutions to
the three body problem cannot exist. This is wrong.
soon turned out that we can produce solutions by other methods. In 1907
Karl Sundman developed a series approach for (almost) all initial
conditions that actually solves the three body problem. It did
not try attacking it via the method that Poincare and Bruns had earlier
shown impossible, but went a completely different route and developed a
series solution in powers of t13.
This converges just fine (though slowly) for all cases where the angular momentum is non-zero.
you can come up with criteria by which this is not closed form. Most
obviously, it gives solutions as infinite, converging series. But I have
to say — come on! It’s pretty arbitrary that Sundman’s solution
is not allowed, whereas the two-body solution is. You almost have to
design your conditions specifically to admit one and not the other.
Sundman’s solution certainly fulfils King Oscar’s conditions, since he
explicitly admitted infinite series, so long as they converged.
somehow, Sundman’s solution is not counted by the folklore. The
contemporary influence of Brouwers’ Intuitionism in mathematics might
have led to the perception that Sundman’s series solution was somehow
not a true “solution”. But intuitionism is now almost totally rejected
by mathematicians and philosophers, so this is not a good reason any
A better reason for objecting to
Sundman’s approach is that it’s not very practically useful: it exhibits
very, very slow convergence in most cases. So it’s pretty useless for
real calculations: you have to calculate thousands of terms to get an
accurate answer. But here we can switch horses: we have good numerical
methods for the three body problem that — with the aid of computers —
give us very accurate solutions to any degree of precision we please
(though here, the chaotic nature of many orbits add some spice to the
Washing up: in most senses you can name, the folklore about the three body problem is simply wrong. The three body problem is solvable.
It’s been solved. The sense in which it is “unsolvable” is an arbitrary
one. Poincare-Bruns’ impossibility proof shows important things about
the system, but doesn’t show what the folklore says it does. And, in
passing, the same is true of the general n-body problem. In 1991,
Quidong Wang demonstrated a power-series approach to the n-body problem
that excludes only collision cases.
But there’s one sense of “solved” which should not be
allowed to apply. And that is the sense in which “solved” means
“there’s no more to discover”. There is still a great deal to discover
in the n body problem. The existence of Sundman and Wang’s series
solutions does not reveal much about the character of the orbits that
are admitted. New solutions are being discovered all the time (the last I
know of was in 2013). In this sense, the problem will be keeping people
busy — and producing new insights — for the foreseeable future.
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