Monday, 23 January 2017

The number is essentially infinite. Using an estimate of mutation frequency of around 2 x 10^-8 per base pair per replication event, we get 60 novel mutations in every living human being. There are 7 billion humans, so we know that some 420 billion different variants are possible. And that is just the number of new changes that arise in a single generation. The number passed down and recombined from previous generations is much larger.
A more interesting (if harder-to-define) question might be how many different traits can be embodied in human DNA. After all, most human DNA has little or no function, so mutations in these low-information sequences are inconsequential.
The universe of genes that are actually expressed in humans - called the exome - is comprised of about 30 million bases of DNA. Sequence changes in this DNA are more likely to lead to an actual change in the functioning of genes and their expressed products.
One effort to quantify exome variability estimates that each human carries about 13,500 variants, and that perhaps 300 of these affect gene function. Again, you can multiply this number out by the number of persons now living (7 billion), or the number that have ever lived (108 billion) to get another very large number. But that is the lower limit. The number of possible combinations is 1 x 2 x 3 … x 300 = 3 x 10^614, a number that is so large as to be meaningless. At least to my desktop calculator, which returns this response when I try to plug it in:

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